Sailing with kid's is all about finding the right balance between;
Food, Entertainment, Interaction/Involvement and Sleep.
Lars assisting with Fenders after arrival.
We found a safety net necessary when Lars was learning how to walk from the age of 1 to 2,5.
Food: mainly fresh fruit and vegetables.
An I pad course for kids. at the age of 2,5 Lars is able to find where we are and what our destination is. He is also capable of deleting the voyage with the swipe of a little finger :)
A healthy break
Fire, Food, Family and Friends all together.
There are times were it's cozy with mama under the spray hood and times to celebrate life in freedom.
A well rested kid is important especially on a sailboat. We used to plan our voyages together in such a way that Lars is asleep during "critical stages, it never worked out but at least we tried.
Interaction, while at sea, Outside I'm sailing with winds up to 6 bf inside Lars and Caroline are drawing little sailboats.
We clean after each use :) a life lesson.
Discovering the world and making new friends,